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Talent concept

The company adheres to the talent concept of "placing oneself in the right position, maximizing one's talents, adapting to the right situation, and having suitable personnel", and arranges talents to their most suitable positions, allowing them to maximize their talents and abilities. Enable talents to do what they are suitable for, tailored to individual circumstances, and fully tap into their potential

The company focuses on employee growth, providing sufficient platforms and assistance for employees in career planning, ability improvement, and work communication, cultivating intelligent and capable outstanding talents needed for enterprise development, and striving to achieve personal growth goals of employees in sync with the long-term development of the enterprise. The company regards talent as the most precious resource, respects and cares for every employee, enhances their sense of responsibility, consolidates the strength of the team, and strengthens their sense of belonging from all aspects. Valuing the creativity of each employee, listening to their voices, and giving each employee the opportunity to come up with ideas and showcase themselves

Compensation Benefit
Competitive compensation system01

A competitive overall compensation system follows the principles of internal fairness and external competitiveness, providing employees with competitive overall compensation arrangements in the same industry; The annual income includes fixed wages, floating bonuses, and welfare income.

Rich and diverse welfare systems02

Standardized statutory welfare system: Humanized vacation arrangements; Weekends are weekends off and enjoy annual national statutory holidays

Life welfare system: such as providing transportation subsidies, lunch subsidies, and other related benefits

A salary system tailored to local conditions03

The specific salary situation may vary depending on industry conditions and job positions.
